
After you have received an item you have 10 days to return it. To ensure that this process is quick and seamless, please note the following:


  • You can click here to raise your return request.
  • You can also write to our customer support at
  • You need to mandatorily share a few images which includes full front & back angle of the received product before initiating the reverse pickup.
  • All orders that are approved for return will be picked up from the original address provided at the time of Delivery. No change of address can be accommodated during the pick-up of products.
  • Under below circumstances / situations no refunds will be applicable:
     - Any item that is not in its original condition, is damaged or has missing  parts for reasons not attributable to Birkenstock. 
     - Any item that is shipped back to us 10 days after delivery.
    • To process your return request, we would require a receipt or any other ‘Proof of Purchase’. Once you place an order, you will receive an invoice by an email. This invoice can be a valid proof of purchase.
    • Please note that purchases from the online shop cannot be returned or exchanged at an offline store / showroom / franchise (BIRKENSTOCK store or outlet), nor can complaints about purchases be lodged at these locations.
    • Likewise, purchases from an offline store /showroom / franchise (BIRKENSTOCK store or outlet) cannot be returned to the web store and complaints about such purchases cannot be lodged in stores.
    • You are requested to share a Video of the parcel in the state it was received and explicitly captures the complete process of unboxing with the product and original tags intact, also, highlighting the nature of the issue.


    Refund of purchase price

    • All refunds are processed back to the customer's original mode of payment. For Cash on Delivery orders, the refund will be made once the customer provides their bank details.
    • Please note refunds will be processed only after the product is received at our warehouse & all quality checks are completed & found satisfactory.
    • For every mode of payment, it will take 10-12 working days to process the refund. The refund process will start once we receive the product in our warehouse.
    • Refunds will be processed only for the amount paid by the customer during the transaction.
    • The amount availed as discount via coupon code or any form of discounting will not be refunded.
    • No re-validation of the coupon code will be possible incase of a return/refund.
    • Birkenstock will not validate a Bank Account number and is not responsible for funds transferred to an unintended recipient.
    • Bank details should be shared from the registered email ID or while placing the return request directly on the website.


    Refund of Prepaid Orders

    • All refunds will be processed to the source account that was used during the time of purchase in case of Prepaid Orders.
    • We do not accommodate any change of payment method in case of Prepaid Orders.
    • Please note that the shipping charge is non-refundable during the reversal of payment.


    Refund of Cash on Delivery (COD) Orders

    1. For COD orders, customers need to provide their account details during the time of placing a return request on the website.
    2. No request for change in account details will be accepted once the details are shared.
    3. Birkenstock will not validate a Bank Account number and is not responsible for funds transferred to an unintended recipient.
    4. Bank details should be shared from the registered email ID or while placing the return request directly on the website.
    5. Please note that the shipping charges and COD charges are non-refundable.
    6. For Cash of Delivery orders refunds, the refund value will only be of the article returned, and not the additional shipping charge that was levied during purchase.
    7. Once your request for refund has been approved, you will get a confirmation on e-mail & our customer care team will contact you for transferring the amount back to your given account details in case of COD orders.



    • Under any circumstances, if you wish to cancel the placed order, you can do so by logging into your account or getting in touch with our Customer Care representatives. However, you can cancel your order online as long as the product has not been dispatched from our warehouse.
    • Once you request the cancellation of item(s) in your order, incase of prepaid orders, it will take us a maximum of 1-2 working days to approve the refund request of canceled order.
    • Once the request is approved, it will take 3-4 working days to initiate a refund. Any amount paid will be credited into the same account using which the payment was made. You will be notified of the same by E-mail or an SMS.
    • Additionally, you can get in touch with our customer care services to initiate cancellation of the order.



    1. There will be no return or replacement given for any discounted merchandise.
    2. Only size replacement can be availed if a request is raised to Customer Care within the first 7 days of purchase on the account of stock availability.
    3. Birkenstock India Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to cancel an order on account of non-availability, quality check, and any unforeseeable factor related to goods.
    4. In case of order cancellation, the customer will be informed via email.
    5. You are requested to share a Video of the parcel in the state it was received and explicitly captures the complete process of unboxing with the product and original tags intact, also, highlighting the nature of the issue.


    1. In case of any manufacturing defect within the warranty period of 3 months, the product can be exchanged with the same product and the same size.
    2. We will not be able to provide a color or style change at this time of return or exchange.
    3. Birkenstock India reserves the right to decide whether the product has been damaged or used.